Monday, July 25, 2011

Natural hemorrhoid, fast and effective treatment

Hemorrhoids are swollen or dilated veins that can be internal or external. It causes the burning sensation, pain, itching and rectal bleeding due to the difficulty of maintaining the cleanliness of the swollen tissues.

Often, the result of poor nutrition, lack of exercise, constipation and exhausting hemorrhoids. These factors must be corrected properly. Although many drugs as medication is available around, hemorrhoids natural remedies are always considered ideal and safe.

Here are some natural ways to cure hemorrhoids quickly and efficiently: 1. Bromelein â € "is the product of digestive enzymes in fruit of pineapple." With this mixture of enzymes, decreased inflammation of the vein. Bromelein is not only effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but even without other mood problems, such as varicose veins.

2 St. Johnâ € ™ s wort â € "this herb is used to make anti-inflammatory creams or ointments and superficially can be applied to the hemorrhoids." Works effectively relieve pain, itching and burning sensation.

3 Aloe Vera â € "this herb is commonly used as an analgesic." Its sweet pulp can be applied as a cream or ointment, especially if you have hemorrhoids. Generally, the cream is placed directly in external hemorrhoids and is used even when it feels sensations of burning or irritation.

4 Seeds of Sesame â € "the use of sesame seeds to cure hemorrhoids is a great success." Only you can boil around 20-25 seeds of Sesame in water, strain it and then leave to cool. The mixture of two or three times a day at least one month.

5 Butcherâ € ™ s â € "broom extract butcherâ € ™ s broom have anti-inflammatory properties and vena-coacción, which is believed to strengthen the walls of the veins and minimize the inflamed tissue." The grass can be taken as a capsule or in the form of a tea. It also proved to be effective when applied externally in hemorrhoids as an ointment.

Aside from the above resources, there are still other ways to help cure hemorrhoids. A good example is the application of bath seat. The method involves placing the area swollen water hot, several times a day, bath seat help to reduce pain and inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Some of the ingredients that act as a natural treatment for hemorrhoids include Blueberry, chestnut, Comfrey, bananas and Red Sage. Inflammation of hemorrhoids can also be reduced by cooling the area with ice packs.

Natural cures hemorrhoids are safer replacements, risky surgeries over the counter pills and ointments are done correctly. In addition, eating whole grains, vegetables, fruits and vegetables will encourage healthy digestive system. You have one sufficient quantity of water and exercise regular routine is also recommended.

Finally, the use of hemorrhoids natural remedies is even ideal among other solutions, because it proved to have side effects.

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