Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ayurveda resource guide home

Guide to solve is the natural way of treating different diseases, diseases and also without side effects. In home remedy, herbs and spices used in house with some traditional Ayurvedic herbs are consumed in the form of powder, extracts, pasta and fruit juices. Not to say, ayurveda is the stock of medicines that were born from his kitchen. The home remedy suggestions also included aiurvediche and Ayurvedic treatments. Find that ayurvedaayurveda is the Hindu system of medicine, and then have an Indian origin. A Sanskrit meaning of the word "life" is thong and Veda means "knowledge". Ayurveda means "knowledge of life" or the "Science of life". In addition to an approach to daily life integral helps prevent disease in your body. Ayurvedic system of medicine is very complex, with recipe and numerous solutions to overcome various problems. So basically Ayurvedic protects their health and give you a long life. It also helps to eliminate the disease of the body and make the correction in any malfunction of the body. Every day there is another problem that bothers us due to the hectic life programming, reduce and immune system. We prefer to take the allopathic medicine for quick relief. But you know that these medications have many side effects not found in Ayurvedic resources affect. Discover ayurveda for a better life and health. Here are some tips of Ayurveda in constipation, acidity, and stress. Remedy of Ayurveda to ConstipationChange House in the daily routine can also cure constipation. ThisGet up with the Sun and take a slow walk.Do not use any tight clothing Assembly and belt.Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to get better results than the water in the vase of copper during the night and drink in the morning.Not to eat dry food. Include Ghee in your meal. Put a tablespoon of butter to drink and warm milk before going to bed.Eating grains, but not of rice if you suffer from constipation.Avoid beans, grams, cabbage and beans, which are difficult to digest.Eat at least two blocks in the morning.Put the lemon juice and salt in water and drink in the morning to cure constipation. This is a good remedy.Eat papaya in the morning. Better to have an empty stomach.Chronic constipation can be cured with raisins and these have laxative properties. Soak raisins overnight in a container and consume these empty stomach in the morning.Drinking orange juice at any time in the day to treat constipation.Eating spinach in any way, to cure constipation.Ayurveda remedy House for AcidityAcidity occurs when stomach acid moves from the stomach to reduce part of the tube. Acidity is also produced when the acid in the stomach (hydrochloric acid) moves into the tube. Causes irritation in the tube that carries food to the restless condition and stomach pains. They are also associated with heartburn, nausea and vomiting.Remedy for ginger, coriander and aciditytake in equal amounts and consumed to alleviate the condition.Drink plenty of water in one day and start the day with 2-3 cups of water.Take an orange and squeeze orange juice. Add toasted cumin seeds and as for the taste of salt. Eating because it is a very useful feature at home against the acidity.?Drinking coconut acidity as care herb oil.Keep haritaki in her mouth to get relief from acid after each food consumed.Gur jaggery is a remedy to treat heartburn. Consume food or at any time at the end of the day.Take 2 tablespoons of amla (gooseberry India) per day.Remedy for the StressStress is a condition that is directly related to the mind, but is also a serious problem in other parts of the body. Sometimes great body dysfunction arises due to excessive tension. They can be emotional, physical and mental stress. Remedy for every home is different. If not can avoid it and then take home remedies easy ayurveda and Ayurvedic tips to cure him.At the head of emotional stressGet of massage. This can be done with oil of sweet almond, coconut oil or oil of sandalwood. But we know best build for a better result.Before going to bed hot drink milk with essence of rose. It is also possible to insert rather than essence of rose petals.In their daily diet include coriander, cardamom and Mint.Physical StressEat had baked Apple on a daily basis.Give a full body oil massage.Try to include coconut, ghee, almonds and milk in their daily diet.Deficit of milk drinking StressDaily.Utilizar ghee little cooked food.Full body massage is beneficial.Sleep for at least 8: 0 per day.Resources for common household against StressChew tulsi leaves or leaves of Basil (10-20) on a day to reduce stress. If not, then boil tulsi leaves 20-25 in the water and boil until the middle of the table of mixtures. Drink to cure stress.For all types of stress, brahmi, ashwagandha arjuna and they are very useful.Eat foods rich in vitamin a. b and avoid junk food.

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